Rebots Pro

Terms ver. Eng

Ver.2.0 (업데이트: 2024.01.12)

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to define the rights, obligations, and other necessary matters between Qroad Inc. (referred to as "the Company") and members when using the services provided by the Company, known as Rebot Pro (referred to as "the Service").

Article 2 (Definitions)

The Service refers to the cloud-based operational support services and related services provided by the Company.
Users refer to both members and non-members who receive services provided by the Company in accordance with these terms and conditions.
Non-members refer to users who have not been granted the qualification to use the Service.
Members refer to individuals or entities granted the qualification to use the Service by the Company in accordance with these terms and conditions.
ID refers to the means of identifying members, using the email address employed by the member.
Password refers to a combination of letters or numbers created by the member to verify that the owner of the ID is the member and to protect their confidentiality.
Workspace refers to the web-based site that members access to use the Service.
Group refers to the unit of work space created by the member to use the workspace.
End-users refer to the users who use the online services developed and operated by the members. These terms and conditions do not apply to the contractual relationship between the end-users and the members.
Business day refers to the days on which commercial banks located in the Republic of Korea are open for business.

Article 3 (Effectiveness of the Terms and Conditions)

These terms and conditions apply to all users who wish to use the Service.
The effectiveness of these terms and conditions commences from the date specified in the terms.
A translated version of these terms and conditions is provided for informational purposes only. In the event of any differences, discrepancies, or conflicts arising from the translation, the Korean version shall take precedence.

Article 4 (Rules Outside the Terms and Conditions)

Matters not specified in these terms and conditions shall be governed by relevant laws, the policies for each service, operational policies, and detailed guidelines. In case of a conflict between these terms and conditions and the detailed guidelines, the detailed guidelines shall prevail.

Article 5 (Posting and Modification of the Terms and Conditions)

The Company shall post these terms and conditions in an easily accessible manner on the website (https://www.rebotspro.com).
The Company may amend these terms and conditions within the bounds of relevant laws of the Republic of Korea, such as the 'Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions,' the 'Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.' (hereinafter referred to as the 'Information and Communications Network Act'), the 'Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.,' and the 'Personal Information Protection Act.'
The Company may modify the terms and conditions through reasonable methods such as posting the revised terms on the Service website. In this case, the Company shall announce the effective date and detailed content of the revised terms at least 7 days before the effective date on the Service website. However, if the modifications are disadvantageous to the members in terms of their rights and obligations, the Company shall notify the members at least 30 days prior to the effective date.
If the Company has clearly notified or informed the member in accordance with Paragraph 3 of this Article that failure to express their intent shall be regarded as consent to the amended terms, and the member does not explicitly express their intention to reject the amended terms, the member shall be deemed to have agreed to the amended terms.

Article 6 (Service Application and Conclusion)

If a non-member who wishes to use the Service agrees to these terms and conditions and completes the registration process, it is considered an application for the use of the Service.
The Company grants the qualification to use the Service only to non-members who have completed the registration process.
Non-members must provide verifiable and accurate information they are currently using when applying for the Service.

Article 7 (Restrictions on Service Application)

The Company may refuse to accept the service application for any of the following reasons:
The user applies for the Service using another person's name or false information without consent.
The user intends to use the Service for fraudulent purposes.
The user is likely to violate laws, public order, or good morals.
The user intends to use the Service for profit without prior consent from the Company.
The acceptance is impossible due to the user's fault or violation of other stipulated matters.
The user has overdue payments for other services provided by the Company.
The user does not meet the qualifications for service use according to these terms and conditions.
The user is under the age of 14.
Other reasons deemed significantly inappropriate for acceptance by the Company.
If the Company decides to refuse or postpone the service application based on the reasons stated in Paragraph 1, the Company shall notify the user with the registered information. However, the Company is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the provided information.

Article 8 (Notifications to Members)

Unless otherwise specified, the Company may notify members via electronic means such as email or push notifications.
For notifications to all members, the Company may substitute individual notifications by posting on the workspace bulletin board for at least three days.
If it is difficult to notify individual members due to incorrect or missing information provided by the member, the Company will be considered to have notified the member individually based on Paragraph 2 of this Article. The Company is not responsible for any disadvantages to the member due to poor management of their information.

Article 9 (Provided Services)

The services provided by the Company are as follows:
Libots Customer: A service for receiving and managing inquiries from end-users regarding the member's products.
Libots Watcher: A service for collecting, analyzing, and processing feedback from end-users regarding the member's products.
*Group-based member management and service management functions.
*Data analysis and task automation services.

Article 10 (Use of Services)

Members can use the services according to the granted permissions.
Members who intend to use Libots Customer must integrate the inquiry reception support tools provided by the Company to utilize the inquiry reception and management services.
Members who intend to use Libots Watcher must apply for the feedback collection service following the procedures provided by the Company and receive approval from the Company. The Company will determine approval based on Article 11 and may request relevant documentation from the member.

Article 11 (Provision of Services)

The Company provides services to the member from the moment the service application is accepted. However, for some services, the Company may provide the services only after the member completes the specified procedures.
In principle, the Company provides services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, if necessary, such as for equipment inspection, updates, or in the case of force majeure circumstances like equipment failure or service overload, the Company may restrict the use of services in whole or in part.
For the purposes of service recovery, incident response, and ensuring secure service provision, the Company may, with the member's consent, access the member's group and the information and data stored within it.

Article 12 (Changes and Updates to Services)

The Company may change or discontinue all or part of the services due to operational, managerial, or technical needs.
If the Company changes the content or usage of the services, it will announce the changes and the effective date at least 7 days in advance. However, if there are unavoidable circumstances that prevent prior notice, the Company may notify members afterward without delay.
Unless otherwise stipulated by these terms and conditions or relevant laws, the Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by members due to changes or modifications in service content.

Article 13 (Ownership and Use of Data)

The Company may collect source data through technical support based on the member's request to facilitate smooth service usage, and the member retains ownership, responsibility, and related rights to the collected data.
The Company may utilize data generated or derived from processing the original data as customers use the service, for the purposes of improving service quality, enhancing performance, and advancing the service. The Company retains ownership, responsibility, and related rights to these outputs.
In the event of a member's withdrawal, the original source data collected with the member's consent will be destroyed in accordance with the Company's privacy policy.

Article 14 (Paid Services)

The service is provided for a fee based on certain conditions, and detailed information follows the Company's business policies.
Fees for the use of services, billing, and payment methods comply with the Company's business policies.
Service fees may change according to the Company's policy. Detailed information will be notified through sales representatives, the service website, or the notification methods outlined in Article 7.

Article 15 (Restriction or Suspension of Service Use)

The Company may suspend all or part of a member's use of the service without prior notice if any of the following conditions are met:
Service fees are overdue for more than three business days.
The feedback collection service applied for by the member is technically determined to be inactive for more than three months.
The Company receives a report that the member's information has been hacked or stolen.
The member is found to have hacked or stolen another person's information.
Conditions specified in Article 6 are confirmed.
The member violates these terms and conditions or related service compliance matters.
The member interferes with the Company's business or performs tasks identical to the services provided by the Company.
The member uses the service for purposes against public or national interest.
The member's use of the service violates relevant laws or contravenes public ethics or order.
The member's actions damage the reputation or cause disadvantages to the Company or others.
A government agency requests or orders the restriction or suspension of the service use according to legal procedures.
Other reasons equivalent to the above conditions.
If the Company restricts or suspends a member's use of the service, it will notify the member of the reason, the period of suspension, and the official means of objection.
The Company may charge fees incurred during the period of service restriction or suspension due to reasons specified in Paragraph 1.
If the reason for the restriction or suspension of the member's service use is resolved or found invalid, the Company will promptly restore the member's right to use the service. However, if the reason for the suspension is not resolved or remains valid, the Company may permanently terminate the service use.

Article 16 (Service Interruption)

The Company may suspend the provision of services in any of the following cases:
When maintenance related to service provision, equipment failure, repairs, or other maintenance work is unavoidably required.
When a third-party contract related to the Company’s service provision ends or is terminated.
Due to significant business needs such as the Company’s division, merger, business transfer, cessation of business, or deterioration of the service's profitability.
In case of a national emergency, failure of service facilities, a surge in service usage, or other disruptions or potential disruptions to normal service provision.
When service provision becomes practically impossible due to unavoidable circumstances such as natural disasters.
When the telecommunications operator regulated by the Telecommunications Business Act discontinues telecommunications services.
In cases similar to the aforementioned reasons.
a. In the case of item 1 under paragraph 1, notification will be given in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 2. b. In the case of items 2 and 3 under paragraph 1, prior notification will be given to members in accordance with Article 7, paragraphs 1 and 2. c. In the case of items 4, 5, and 6 under paragraph 1, the Company may suspend the service without prior notification.

Article 17 (Member’s Service Termination and Withdrawal)

Members may at any time express their intent to terminate and withdraw from the service they have applied for.
Members can withdraw following the procedure posted by the Company. However, members using paid products must complete payment of any unpaid fees or penalties based on the desired termination date before the termination process is completed.
Upon termination of the service contract, if members need to back up resources generated, accumulated, or managed during the service period, they must back up their data before terminating or withdrawing from the service.
Upon a member's withdrawal, their information and data will be deleted and will not be recoverable under any circumstances. However, some information may be retained and then destroyed in accordance with relevant laws and privacy policies.

Article 18 (Member’s Obligations)

Members shall not reproduce, transmit, or leak to third parties any materials or technical information acquired during the application and use of the service without prior consent from the Company.
Members shall not impersonate the Company's personnel or damage or infringe the Company’s trademarks, intellectual property rights, or reputation.
Members must comply with the matters notified or announced by the Company and shall not engage in activities that interfere with the Company’s operations. Members are responsible for managing their ID and password and must not allow third parties to use them. If a member discovers that their personal information, ID, or password has been stolen or used by a third party, they must immediately notify the Company and follow the Company’s guidelines.
Members must not use the service for any improper purposes beyond its intended use and generally accepted social norms.
Members shall not resell the content or features provided by the service for commercial purposes.
Members must not engage in identity theft, payment fraud, illegal distribution or use of unauthorized programs that violate copyright laws, illegal communications, hacking, or distribution of malware, or perform any actions that exceed authorized access.
Members shall not create, distribute, use, or advertise any computer programs, devices, or equipment not provided or approved by the Company.
Members have a duty to back up and maintain their data handled through the service; they bear the costs of any damages arising from their failure to manage their data.
Members must not rent, transfer, or otherwise grant the right to use the service to others. In the event of inheritance, merger, or division where a third party (successor) legally succeeds the member’s status, both the member and the successor must immediately submit proof of this succession to the Company and notify the Company following the designated procedures and methods.
Members must pay the fees for using the service and faithfully pay any charges incurred from the use of the service.
If a third party raises civil or criminal issues against the Company due to a member's violation of these terms or related laws, the member must cooperate actively in resolving the issue, and if the Company incurs damages, the member must compensate for those damages.

Article 19 (Company's Obligations)

The Company shall comply with relevant laws and these terms and conditions, and shall make its best efforts to continuously and stably provide services.
If a service disruption occurs, the Company shall promptly repair or restore the service to ensure stable operation.
The Company shall take both policy and technical measures to prevent the disclosure of member information and original data related to the service to third parties, except for purposes described in the terms of use and privacy policy.
If a member's feedback or complaint is deemed valid, the Company must address it. The Company will inform the member of the handling process and results using the service or via email.

Article 20 (Company's Exemption from Liability)

The Company shall not be liable for damages incurred by a member due to any of the following reasons:
If the service disruption or suspension is caused by the member’s intent or negligence.
If the service provided free of charge by the Company is terminated.
If service maintenance is unavoidable and has been announced in advance, and there is no intentional or gross negligence by the Company.
If the service is suspended during scheduled maintenance that has been announced in advance.
If the service is suspended to prevent the spread of an incident in the information system.
If the service disruption is caused by services provided by another operator.
If the member does not receive service-related notifications due to changes in their information, such as their email address.
If the member cannot use the service for reasons stated in Article 14.
If the service is suspended for reasons stated in Article 15.
If the member violates obligations under Article 17.
For other reasons not due to the Company’s intent or negligence.
The Company shall not be liable for indirect, consequential, special, or incidental damages, loss of profits, or other losses or damages related to the service.
The Company is not responsible for any interruption or termination of service use or contract termination due to the member's fault.
The Company does not guarantee the reliability or accuracy of posts made by members on the service, and is not obligated to verify or represent any opinions or information posted on the service. The Company does not endorse, oppose, or modify opinions expressed by members or third parties.
The Company has no obligation to intervene in disputes arising between members or between members and third parties through the service, nor is it liable for any damages resulting from such disputes.
If the Company faces claims for damages or legal challenges from third parties due to illegal actions or violations of these terms by a member, the member must indemnify the Company at their own expense and compensate the Company for all damages incurred if the Company is not exonerated.
The Company bears no responsibility for transactions conducted between members and third parties through third-party websites linked to the Company's website.

Article 21 (Dispute Resolution)

The Company and the members must make all necessary efforts to amicably resolve disputes related to the service.
Despite the provisions of paragraph 1, if litigation arises from such disputes, the lawsuit shall fall under the jurisdiction of the court where the Company's headquarters is located.